Welcome to IBEW 322

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Your Power Professionals

Welcome to Local 322 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, the Midwest’s largest resource for skilled electrical workers. Local 322 represents over 680 active members and retirees working in a variety of fields including construction, line construction, manufacturing, utilities, and government.

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IBEW Local 322

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+1 307 265-1060


In the utility industry, the IBEW represents linemen, apprentice lineman, groundmen, equipment operators, electricians, and welders, (just to name a few classifications). Because of this wide range of members, the Political/Legislative Affairs Department has a lot of work to do with the Utilities Department. The departments work together on legislative and regulatory issues impacting the membership. From the Clean Power Plan and other standards to permitting for new generation facilities, the departments work together for the benefit of our membership.

Important Facts

Working for better wages, better benefits, and fair working conditions are only a small portion of our Union’s dedication. Local 322’s members pride themselves on giving back their time and expertise to causes and charities serving those less fortunate throughout our jurisdiction.

  • To organize all workers in the entire electrical industry in the United States and Canada, including all those in public utilities and electrical manufacturing, into local unions
  • To promote reasonable methods of work
  • To cultivate feelings of friendship among those in our industry
  • To settle all disputes between employers and employees by arbitration (if possible)
  • To assist each other in sickness or distress
  • To secure employment
  • To reduce the hours of daily labor
  • To secure adequate pay for our work
  • To seek a higher standard of living
  • To seek security for the individual
  • In the interest of a higher standard of citizenship and by  legal and proper means, the IBEW will seek to elevate the moral, intellectual, and social conditions  of our members, their families and dependents

Signing a union card is just the first step of a thorough process in determining whether a company wants to obtain a union contract. To obtain this contract, a majority of the employees must sign union cards, authorizing them in collective bargaining with their employer. A petition can then be filed with the NLRB (National Labor Relations Board), requesting that a secret ballot election be held to confirm that a majority of employees want the union. If that majority votes in favor of the union, the NLRB will certify the union as the official bargaining representative.

Unions are about a simple proposition: By joining together, working women and men gain strength in numbers so they can have a voice at work about what they care about. They negotiate a contract with their employer for things like a fair and safe workplace, better wages, a secure retirement, and family-friendly policies such as paid sick leave and scheduling hours. They have a voice in how their jobs get done, creating a more stable, productive workforce that provides better services and products. Always adapting to the challenges of our nation’s evolving workforce, unions are meeting the needs of workers in today’s flexible and nontraditional work environments. No matter what type of job workers are in, by building power in unions, they can speak out for fairness for all working people in their communities and create better standards and a strong middle class across the country.

Why is the company opposed to unions?

The union acts as the voice of individual employees. Unions challenge unfair or arbitrary decisions made by an employer or company. A union ensures that the individual employee takes part in decisions regarding issues such as hours of work, level of wages and salaries, job assignments, and safety. Companies sometimes forget that the success or future of the company is a direct result of the employees. Therefore, employees must have a say in the future of the company. A union only maintains a sense of democracy within a company and should be considered a constructive influence.

Could the union force the company to do away with work rules?

No. However, if you find those rules unjust or discriminatory, the union, as a collective bargaining agent, can help ensure that your workplace is operated fairly.

Could the union tell the company how to run its operation?

No. The union acts as the collective bargaining agent in matters concerning wages, hours and conditions of employment. A union does not run the company
in which you work; it provides you the right to have someone represent you on matters with which you disagree with the company.

Can the union require the company to replace supervisory personnel with people of the union’s choosing?

No. It is management’s prerogative to select supervisory personnel.

Can the union automatically get employees the things that the union had promised?

The union will not make promises to you about any issue that it cannot deliver on. Although nothing is automatic, union success in bargaining is evident. It has already been mentioned that 150,000 collective bargaining agreements have been made in recent years with a majority of employee issues being satisfied.

Is the company allowed to speak out against the union?

Yes. And it is very likely they will. It is in the employers best interest (not yours) to keep the company union-free. Your employer will tell you anything, even lie to you, to remain union-free. On the other hand, it is in the union’s best interest to be as up-front and honest with you and also to let you know the type of tactics that will be used by your employer.

Are there things that a supervisor cannot do about our union activities?

The following are examples of employer conduct that interferes with the rights of employees:

  • Threatening the loss of jobs or benefits
  • Threatening employees about their union activity
  • Promising or granting promotions, pay raises, or other benefit in return for being against the union
  • Discriminating or firing employees to discourage unionism.
  • If any of these Section 7 violations do occur the union will file charges with the National Labor Relations Board on your behalf. You have the legal right to support and join a union of your own choosing and will make sure that right is not interfered with by unscrupulous employers.

One of the top benefits of being a union worker is that you enjoy a better wage as compared to your non-union counterparts.

“Economic research shows that unionized workers typically receive higher wages than otherwise comparable non-union workers. This “union wage advantage” is greatest for people who would otherwise be lower-paid workers. This group notably includes workers with less formal education and skills, younger and less experienced workers, and women and workers of color who experience discrimination in the job market.” The Broadbent Institute Union workers are also more likely to enjoy consistent pay raises on a regular basis. With a non-union job, the employer can set the wage without any formal bargaining process or input from the employees. Wage Calculator: https://sameworkbetterpay.com/

IBEW Local 322

We stand for everything that is good about America, democracy, fairness, equal opportunity, quality workmanship, and the chance to live the American Dream. We are proud of our heritage and skills. If you are a non-affiliated electrician or contractor or a person that is interested in learning a trade, we want you to join our growing ranks. 

IBEW Utility Lineman

IBEW Local 322
691 English Drive
Casper, WY 82601
Phone: 307-265-1060

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